Seeking Help for Addiction in Canada’s Oil Industry

oil industry addiction helpAddiction is hard to confront in any walk of life, but a particularly concentrated addiction problem is found in the Alberta oil industry. The availability of drugs and alcohol combined with uniquely harsh working conditions has created an addiction culture of epic proportions. Fort McMurray’s network of substance abuse treatment facilities have done all they can with the resources they have, but they are not plentiful enough to eradicate the problem. Fort McMurray addiction treatment centers are overflowing with addicts and substance abusers. It is essential that proper inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment programs be made available to oil workers.

When substance abuse is consuming a person’s life, often to the point of physical dependence on the substance, they need professional intervention in order to confront their problem and permanently end it. This means that professional intervention services should be employed to approach the addict about their problem, as well as the provision of an inpatient medical facility to monitor the person through their detoxification, a live in treatment center to safely separate the person from the substance they are addicted to, in depth group and individual counselling sessions to address the underlying problems that cause addiction, as well as the opportunity for therapeutic activities and ongoing after care to ensure continued sobriety.

There is no reason an oil industry employee should have to forego addiction treatment and suffer in silence. If the rehabilitation services of Alberta cannot meet the needs of addicted persons within the oil industry, then oil workers should look outside of Alberta. Most oil companies permit time off for substance abuse recovery, and even in the rare instances they don’t, recovery should be prioritized above all else. Addiction is taking the lives of oil workers through physical complications, overdose and suicide at alarming rates, and preventitive measures should be taken as soon as someone becomes aware of their substance abuse problem.

Addiction and Substance Abuse: What is Best for Oil Companies and Employees?

oil employees and companiesCanada’s oil industry is highly lucrative, but is fighting a losing battle to keep their employees in a healthy working condition. Substance abuse has an unprecendented hold on oil workers that is creating hardships for workers and companies alike. While the throws of addiction wreak havoc on the personal lives of oil field workers, oil companies become afflicted with workplace accidents, high employee turnover and absentee pay. It is clear that the solution for everyone is proper substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation for employees.

A common misconception is that an addict will be easy to spot in the work place. Those who are unfamliar with addiction may assume that an addict will have characteristics such as an unkempt appearance, slurred words and poor coordination, and will not be able to function on the level of a non-addict. While all these things can be true, an addict can also be a fully functional person on the job; someone that would never be suspected of substance abuse problems. Addiction wears many masks, but does the same internal damage to anyone it affects. Eventually, a physical, mental and spiritual tole will be taken on the addict if they do not receive treatment.

One major lesson that oil companies have learned from this substance abuse phenomenon is that the discovery of substance abuse in an employee should not lead directly to termination. The employee may have a good relationship with the company and a successful work history, proving to benefit the workplace. It is often in the company’s best interest to connect the employee with rehabilitation services and substance abuse treatment rather than replace them. This promotes a healthy, functional workplace and makes the employee feel secure that reaching out for help will not lead to the loss of their job. This means it is in the company’s best interest to see that its workers have access to quality drug and alcohol substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation.